
Starfish Class

Welcome to Starfish - our YR/Y1 class !


Starfish is the first class the children join when they start their exciting journey of learning through Mevagissey School. Our learning is fun, engaging, challenging and encouraging. Our teachers are Mrs Hoare (class teacher) and Miss Gibson (TA)

This year, the Reception children are mixed with Year 1, so are fortunate enough to have some older role-models to help and guide them on their learning journey.

Autumn 1
I wonder who's who...
The children will be settling into school life and learning about all the different people who make up our family at Mevagissey School. The children will share and talk about their own families and name who is important to them. We will be exploring our immediate environment and talking about our homes. This may lead us to talk about where animals live. During this half term, the children will explore the importance of oral health and keeping our teeth clean, as well as identifying and naming parts of the body and our senses. To link to ourselves, the children will be creating self portraits. Once settled, the children will begin the journey of Drawing Club, which we know will bring them so much joy in mark making and start their exciting journey for the love of books.
Autumn 2
I wonder where we can go...
This open ended topic, will take up on adventures in our local environment. Children will understand what maps are and how they are used. They will draw and create their own maps, as well as using a simple compass to learn about directions. This topic may lead the children to think about where they have been and journeys they have taken with their family and what features they have seen on their journeys in the locality and beyond. The children will be learning about the seasons and making pumpkin soup to link to Autumn. The children will support their fine motor skills by continuing woodwork projects and skills development.


 Number - White Rose Maths

Reception (EYFS)

Autumn 1 

Getting to know you -2 weeks

Match, sort and compare – 2 weeks

It’s me 1,2,3 – 2 weeks


Autumn 2

Talk about measure and patterns – 2 weeks

1,2,3,4,5 – 2 weeks

Circles and triangles – 1 week

Shapes with 4 sides – 1 weeks


Each day, we will talk about the date and temperature. The children will begin applying our understanding for numbers to identify whether the date/ temperature more or less than the previous day. They will pay for their fruit each starting at 1p initially. 


Year 1 

Autumn 1

Place Value 5 weeks


Autumn 2

Addition and Subtraction 5 weeks

Shape 1 weeks



Early Reading and Writing


The children will begin learning their Set 1 sounds. We will be focusing on orally blending words and some children will begin using this knowledge to write small words and develop confidence in mark making using a range of tools.


Year 1

Children will continue in their RWI groups each day and use their knowledge of Set 2 and 3 sounds to develop their reading and writing. They will apply and develop these skills when writing in sentences independently building a knowledge for writing in different genres, as well as continuing to develop an understanding for adjectives and verbs. The children will begin to understand similes and conjunctions in their writing. 


Novel Study/ Drawing Club

Being a 'Novel Study School', we will develop a love of books through Drawing Club. We hope this will allow the children to develop a love for familiar texts and develop using a range of new exciting vocabulary, as well as beginning to apply their phonics skills taught in RWI. Children will be continue the 'joy' of writing through carefully chosen books/ animations that will enhance and develop their vocabulary during each 1 week focus. The books chosen for Drawing Club will also be carefully selected to allow the children follow their interests whilst exploring themes such as; healthy relationships, cultures and the wider world. 


Children will continue to choose their favourite story (choice of 2 books a day) at the beginning of each day, which we will listen to before lunch. We will also listen to 3 other stories from our familiar text pallet, during the day, to again develop a love for familiar books and enjoy more new exciting vocabulary as well as embedding the British Value: Democracy

We will continue to visit the school library once a week, so the children can carry on making independent selections for the pictures books they wish to take home and share with an adult. 


Sharing achievements

Seesaw - We use Seesaw to communicate and share amazing moments in class, but you can also use this to send us 'WOW' moments from home too

Homework - Starfish Class

With an adult


Sharing a library book with an adult

Reading and writing red 'tricky' words

Watch RWI videos sent from the Virtual Classroom


Year 1

Reading and writing red 'tricky' words

Reading RWI books 5 times a week at home

Practicing weekly spellings

Completing Maths homework (Hand in on Wednesday for marking)



Dressing and Undressing

Putting on and doing up our coats

Putting our shoes on the correct feet 

Using cutlery to eat out dinner independently